6509 Highway YY

Fire Station 5, a significant milestone in the history of the Washington Rural Fire Association, stands as a testament to our commitment to expanding and enhancing fire protection and rescue services. Its construction in the pivotal year of 1989 marked a remarkable moment in our organization's growth, representing the first fire station ever erected by the Rural Association. This milestone not only added a physical presence to our operations but also extended our reach to provide vital services to the southern areas beyond the city limits.

Station 5, nestled at 6509 Highway YY, is strategically positioned to serve as a critical outpost in our mission to safeguard lives and property. Its location in the southern regions of our jurisdiction ensures that residents and communities in this area have access to timely and efficient emergency response services.

The station's architectural design reflects the practical needs of our operations. It features two spacious apparatus bays constructed over a third bay, demonstrating a commitment to efficiency and readiness. Within the station's confines, a well-appointed kitchen and meeting area serve as essential spaces for our firefighters to convene, strategize, and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Section 5, entrusted with the responsibility of Station 5, plays a pivotal role in the station's functioning. This dedicated section is charged with the day-to-day operation and meticulous maintenance of both the station facility and a fleet of crucial firefighting apparatus. Among the formidable firefighting units stationed at this location are Engine 8154, Truck Support Unit 8159, and Tanker 8153. Each of these specialized vehicles is maintained in peak condition and ready to respond to emergencies at a moment's notice, ensuring that the communities in the southern regions of our jurisdiction receive the highest standard of care and protection.

In sum, Fire Station 5 encapsulates the spirit of progress and dedication that defines the Washington Rural Fire Association. Its establishment in 1989 was a visionary leap forward, expanding our services to areas in need and reinforcing our commitment to public safety. With its strategic location, modern facilities, and a complement of dedicated personnel and firefighting apparatus, Station 5 stands as a symbol of our unwavering resolve to serve our community with excellence and professionalism.

Station 5 is an asset of the Washington Community Fire Protection District.


